2022 TRSA Annual Convention and Industry Awards Dinner
The Norchem family attended last month’s 2022 TRSA Annual Conference in Nashville, TN where Kevin Minissian, the founder, president and CEO of Norchem Corp., was posthumously awarded this year’s TRSA Maglin/Biggie Lifetime Achievement Award. This honor recognizes the exceptional lifetime contributionsof a supplier partner to improve both the association and the industry.
"The family felt blessed and humbled by the industries response to our father's contribution and was inspired to carry his torch forward." - Vaughn Minissian
Pictured ABOVE from left to right: Michael Soussa, Chad Folkerts, Vaughn Minissian, Houri Minissian, Karineh Minissian, Jaime Gastelum, Celina & Brando Minissian, Lorina Minissian, Christine Soussa
The Norchem family accepted the Maglin/Biggie Award as part of TRSA’s Annual Awards Dinner. The Maglin/Biggie honor for Minissian came in recognition of his extraordinary life and career in the linen, uniform and facility services industry.
To view the full acceptance speech from Vaughn and Karineh Minissian, please visit the Norchem Corporation facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/norchemcorp
“Kevin Minissian was an immigrant with a dream of achiev-ing success in his adopted country, the United States. He dedicated himself to helping laundry operators enhance sustainability and efficiency through a range of laundry-chemical and water/energy-saving solutions that he developed over many years with his team at Norchem Corp. Kevin was active in TRSA as a supplier partner as well, and worked with committees. He has definitely earned this recognition.” - Joseph Ricci TRSA President & CEO